
Welcome to AGA 114: Animal Science!

In this course, we will be focusing on a broad array of topics to help equip you for your other classes whether your major is Animal Science or not.

We will be covering material in the various emphases within Animal Science- nutrition, meats, physiology, and genetics; we'll focus on farms as well as zoom out to look at global perspectives; and we will focus on terminology and differences among the various domestic livestock species.

My challenge for you is to not look at this as an intro course you have to take. I teach many of the required courses in Animal Science, so it is my goal to help you form a foundation that you'll carry into the courses where we see each other again! If you're not animal science, there's STILL relevance. If you come from a farm and know the difference between a cow and heifer, GREAT! I promise you still have things to learn in this class.

I expect you to be prepared and willing to learn. You can expect from me to do the best job I can preparing this course and to actively care for you and for your education.

The current pandemic and required guidelines for teaching and labs has posed challenges, but we'll tackle as much as possible as quickly as possible.

-Dr. Sargent