
Welcome to AGA 114: Animal Science Part 2!

Welcome Back from Spring Break!   While I am not going to be able to replace Dr. Sargent I will do my best to pick up where he left off.  Just a little background on me that you may not know; I have actively raised animals my entire life, I grew up on a small farm in Neosho, MO  where I had a managery of raising bottle calves, meat rabbits, ducks and chickens, pigs, sheep and milking a few family milk cows. I attended College of the Ozarks where I worked on the Dairy and Beef  Farms.  I was a double major Ag Business and Biology (they only had one agriculture major back then).  After college my husband and I have owned and operated several farms in Cassville, MO (over 22 years in living in Cassville);  a diversified commercial cattle operation, broiler operation as well as breeding and selling Bassett hounds, American bulldogs and Bernese Mountain dogs.  We raised our three daughters on this farm with many pets including the above mentioned animals plus goats and horses.   Twelve years ago we left Cassville to serve and give back to our alma mater, College of the Ozarks.  We still own our farm in Cassville and will someday, Lord willing, plan to return there.  

- Tammy Holder

In this course, we will be focusing on a broad array of topics to help equip you for your other classes whether your major is Animal Science or not.

We will be covering material in the various emphases within Animal Science- nutrition, meats, physiology, and genetics; we'll focus on farms as well as zoom out to look at global perspectives; and we will focus on terminology and differences among the various domestic livestock species.

My challenge for you is to not look at this as an intro course you have to take. I teach many of the required courses in Animal Science, so it is my goal to help you form a foundation that you'll carry into the courses where we see each other again! If you're not Animal Science, there's STILL relevance. If you come from a farm and know the difference between a cow and heifer, GREAT! I promise you still have things to learn in this class.

I expect you to be prepared and willing to learn. You can expect from me to do the best job I can preparing this course and to actively care for you and for your education.

-Dr. Sargent