Welcome to AGA 224: Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Livestock!
This course will rely both on direct instruction as well as hands-on learning in the Animal Science Lab. We will be covering an enormous amount of material by delving into multiple body systems and relating it to animal agriculture- digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, reproductive, neuromuscular, and hopefully a unit on lactation.
Please do not be led astray by the numbering for this course. While it can be taken as early as sophomore year in most Animal Science curricula, it is commonly known as one of the animal science "weed out" classes. Now, my intention is NEVER to weed out students. However, this course covers a wide breadth of material; it requires your engagement because it can get tedious and overwhelming. BUT IT'S SO COOL!
I expect you to be prepared and willing to learn. You will have to work in this class to succeed. You can expect from me to do the best job I can preparing this course and to actively care for you and for your education.
I'm really excited to work alongside you this semester!
-Dr. Sargent