
Welcome to AGA 363: Genetics of Animals and Plants!

  Expect to review basic biology of DNA, RNA and proteins before quickly jumping into more challenging material on both the plant and animal sides. Genetics is perhaps the fastest evolving science, and, as a result, this course will be highly technical. Given the scheduling on Tuesdays and Thursdays, my hope is to get in the lab and work with some new equipment. What we call "basic" science- lab work and data analysis is HUGELY fundamental to applied sciences (working out in the field). My sincerest hope is that you'll at least appreciate how connected everything is even if you don't become a scientist. 

I expect you to be prepared and willing to learn. You will have to work hard in this class to succeed. You can expect from me to do the best job I can preparing this course and to actively care for you and for your education, in return!

I'm really excited to work alongside you this semester!

The current pandemic and required guidelines for teaching and labs has posed challenges, but we'll tackle as much as possible as quickly as possible.

-Dr. Sargent