
Course Information

Applied Animal Nutrition (AGA 423)

Term: 2018-2019 Academic Year Fall


Kevin M Sargent

Office Hours
  Spring 2022
 MWF 9
:00-9:50 AM

   TR 3:00-5:00 PM

   *If you cannot find me in my office, use my cell and/or check the An Sci Lab (room 124) please


Mon-Wed-Fri, 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM (8/27/2018 - 12/19/2018) Location: MAIN AGRI 118


Prerequisites: AGA 224and AGA 303. Application of nutritional principles to feeding domestic animals based on consideration of qualitative and quantitative nutrient requirements of livestock. Emphasis will be on formulation of rations for each of the major classes of livestock based on quantitative analysis in the lab. Laboratory included. Lab fee required. There are two hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory each week. Fall-Odd