
Course Information

General Chemistry II (CHE 124)

Term: 2003-2004 Academic Year Spring


Jerome Charles Easdon

Office Hours

Spring 2021

T/Th noon-1:00

W noon-4:00 

F 9:00-10:00 


Tue, 8:00 AM - 10:50 AM (1/12/2004 - 5/9/2004) Location: M


Prerequisite: CHE 114with a grade of C- or better. This course is a continuation of CHE 114. Topics included in the course will be equilibrium, reduction-oxidation, kinetics, descriptive inorganic chemistry, nuclear chemistry and semi-micro qualitative analysis. Topics and examples from organic chemistry and biochemistry are utilized throughout the General Chemistry I and II sequence. There are three hours of lecture and one three-hour laboratory each week. Spring