
Course Information

Computer Architecture/Assembler (CSC 243)

Term: 2012-2013 Academic Year Spring



Mon-Wed-Fri, 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM (1/14/2013 - 5/10/2013) Location: MAIN PLAST 307


Prerequisite: CSC 133. In this project-oriented course, we will build a modern computer system, from the ground up. Topics mayinclude,but not limited to, Digital Logic and Digital System (combinational and sequential circuit, FPGA, Verilog/VHDL, physical constraint, ALU design, and others); Assembly Level Machine Organization (instruction set design, CPU design, processor microarchitecture and pipelining, etc.); Memory System Organization and Architecture (the concept of virtual machine, compiler, device memory map and others); Interfacing and Communication (I/O fundamentals, interrupt structures, buses, etc.); and Multiprocessing and Alternative Architectures (Power law, SIMD, MIMD, interconnection networks, and others). Spring