
Course Information

Medication/Complementary Therapies (NSG 325)

Term: 2008-2009 Academic Year Fall S


Janice S Williams


SPRING 2025   Office hours (McKibben Room 311)

Mondays       10:00 am -12:00 pm

Tuesdays       1:30 - 2:30 pm

Wednesdays  11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Wednesdays  2:30 - 4: 00 pm

Thursdays     10:00 am - 12:30pm

NURSING Dept office (McKibben #303) open 8a-5pm

Office phone extension


Personal Biography

Founding Director of AMSON

AD & BSN nursing degrees from Union University, Jackson, TN; MSN from University of Tennessee, Memphis; DNP - Doctorate of Nursing Practice from Case Western Reserve, Cleveland OH; Nationally Certified in Diabetes Education, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Certified Nurse Educator, and Parish Nursing


Mon-Wed-Fri, 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM (8/25/2008 - 12/21/2008) Location: MAIN MCKIB 304


Prerequisite: NSG 279; CHE 134; CHE 144; BIO 214. Pharmacokinetics, side effects, drug interactions, client response, and nursing implications for each drug classification are examined. This course will enable the student to make therapeutic assessments and appropriate nursing judgments regarding drug and complimentary therapies in client care. (F)