Wildlife Damage Control & Disease Management
Spring 2025
Lecture (Thursdays): 8:00 PM - 9:50 PM in YAC-120
Lab (Thursdays): 2:00-3:50 PM – Pfieffer 118
Tim Russell, Certified Wildlife Biologist®
Adjunct Instructor
Email: trussell@cofo.edu
Ph: 417-207-2702
Office: Pfeiffer 105
Office hours: T 1:00-1:50pm
or by appointment
LAB ASSISTANT – Ryan Coursen
E-mail: ethantgwin@student.cofo.edu
This course provides methods for managing wildlife damage and wildlife diseases, based on research, for a variety of different species using the latest control techniques within a framework of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Several important topics are addressed, such as control techniques, safety, wildlife diseases, animal biology, legal issues, and euthanasia. This course focuses on all aspects of wildlife damage management (WDM) that are essential for public land managers, homeowners, gardeners, and other non-licensed people who wish to resolve human-wildlife conflicts.
400 – Students will be expected to apply and analyze complex concepts of a specific area of study, which may or may not require the inclusion of knowledge from other areas of study.
- “Core Principles of Wildlife Control”
- “Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage Handbook” | Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Field Manual of Wildlife Diseases in the Southeastern United States – 4th Edition, University of Georgia
Academic Goal:
Students will learn the biological, quantitative, governmental and theoretical underpinnings of contemporary wildlife/human conflict management.
Vocational Goal:
Students will understand the fundamentals of the wildlife resources profession and be able to articulate career options and paths.
Christian Goal:
Students will gain an appreciation for the stewardship of God’s creation.
Patriotic Goal: Students will be able to articulate the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and understand the tenets that have made the United States a leader in natural resource management and conservation.
Cultural Goal: Students will explore the role of professional wildlife biologist to serve as trustees of the public’s resources in a public-trust doctrine relationship.
Students will be able to:
- Identify the foundational terms and concepts in wildlife nuisance & damage prevention and control, wildlife biology and ecology
- Understand the importance of managing wildlife populations to society and themselves
- Compare differing wildlife management objectives for public, private, and nongovernmental/nonprofit agencies
- Define and explain the utility of wildlife control techniques, prevention practices, wildlife disease management systems
- Connect concepts in the study of wildlife to the broader study of natural resources and their management
Chapter Reviews 200 pts total
Lab Exercises 200 pts total
Practical Field Exam 200 pts
Midterm Exam 200 pts
Final Exam 200 pts
Total 1,000
Grading Schedule:
A 100-90%
B 89.9-80%
C 79.9-70%
D 69.9-60%
F Below 50%
Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the college’s policies on academic honesty, which can be found in the College Catalog.
Academic Policies - College of the Ozarks - Acalog ACMS™ (cofo.edu)
All students must adhere to the C of O Honor Code “I agree to be honest, trustworthy, caring, and responsible citizen. I will uphold these values in others and myself.”
College is a continuation of your training for future study and employment and it is essential that you develop the good habits that will serve you well in your future.
- Absences and participation:
- Attendance for all class sessions is essential to success in this course. Every class missed is vital information that you will potentially be tested on. Life, however, can be unpredictable and some absences may be unavoidable. If you need to miss class, please inform me via email as soon as possible. Note that college policy is that excessive absences are to be reported to the dean of students.
- Participation in this class demonstrates respect for the college, your fellow students, and me. Students are expected to arrive to class on time and ready to learn. If you fall asleep in class, that day will be counted as an absence.
- Technology can be a phenomenal tool; however, it can also be a great distraction. Cell phones, smart watches, and earbuds should be put away.
- Student attendance and participation may affect final grades.
- Appearance and language:
- Students are expected to abide by the Appearance Policy as found the Student Handbook on Campusweb. All hats should be removed prior to the start of class.
- Language used in class should be consistent with the C of O Honor Code. Speech should be appropriate for the classroom environment.
- Late penalties: Failure to meet any deadline will result in a 0% for that assignment.
4: Assignments are due by 7pm of the due date assigned
The schedule and procedures for this course are subject to change
Course Schedule for AGR-4013 SPRING 2025
Course topics are subject to change due to field conditions and weather conditions
SESSION (Lecture)
Lecture/LAB Dates
Overview/ Principles of Wildlife Damage Management
Problem Identification & Assessment
Wildlife Control Methods
Wildlife Control Methods: Black Bears-Case Study
Tools of the Trade: Exclusion & Toxicants
Tools of the Trade: Trapping
Handling Wildlife/Euthanasia
Spring Break
Mid-term Exam & Project #1
Wildlife Disease Prevention
Wildlife Diseases - Birds
Wildlife Diseases – Mammals
Disease Control – Chronic Wasting Disease: Case Study
Feral Hogs: Case Study in Damage & Disease Control
Business Practices/Legal & Ethical Principles
Wildlife-Human Conflict Project - Workshop
Final Exam & Project #2 Due