
Syllabus (BUS 413) Spring  2009
Plaster 311 T-TH 9:30-10:50

Kevin Riley (

Office: Room 204, Plaster Business Building
Telephone: 334-6411 ext. 3261, voice mail ext. 2552

Office Hours:      MWF 10:00-11:00   MW 3:00-4:00    T-TH 9:00-9:30, 11:00-11:30


COURSE DESCRIPTION: Prerequisite: ACT 213 and 61 credit hours

A study of how corporate capital needs and how sources of funds are determined--this course will introduce students to techniques employed in financial analysis, planning, and control of the corporate business enterprise.



Practical Financial Management, fifth edition, 2008 
William R. Lasher
Thompson/South-Western Publisher



1. Provide an understanding of the role and functions of the corporate financial manager.
2. Understand the techniques commonly employed to analyze and forecast the financial needs of a business.
3. Develop skills in analyzing and solving financial problems.
4. Develop an appreciation for the influence of events outside the business enterprise on the financial condition of the firm.
5. Become familiar with sources of funds commonly used to finance the business enterprise.
6. Understand the relationship of finance to the other functional areas of a business.





1. Study all textbook assignments.
2. Complete all homework assignments.
3. Participate in problem solving exercises.
4. Complete assigned projects involving application of financial management techniques to current business situations.


The methods for teaching this course will include lecture, class discussions, problem solving, case analysis and student presentations. Students will be graded on a standard scale of 90-100 = A; 80-89 = B; 70-79 = C; 60-69 = D; and anything below 60 will constitute failure. The plus or minus designations may be added in accordance with the attendance policy. The grade determination for this class will be based on percentage of total points possible. Points possible will be based on:
1. Written examinations
2. Homework/class quizzes
3. Student projects

COURSE OUTLINE:   Examination after each section

I. The Scope of Corporate Finance
   A. Foundations of Finance
   B. Review of Accounting

II. Financial Markets and Planning
   A. Financial Markets and Interest
   B. Ratio Analysis and Forecasting

III. Working Capital Management
   A. Time Value of Money
   B. Risk and Return

IV. Capital Budgeting and Financial Planning
   A. Bond Valuation
   B.  Stock Valuation
   C. Cost of Capital
   D. Capital Budgeting

The outline of course content is subject to change depending on time constraints, material coverage and adjustments for examination material.






1. Attendance:
Class attendance is very important. If you are absent, you are missing key points in class discussions, quizzes, and reviews. Excessive unexcused absences will affect your grade. Students missing two or fewer classes will be given consideration in determining his or her final grade. If you aren’t present at the beginning of the period, you are absent unless the instructor is notified before you leave for that day.

2. Exams:
All exams are to be taken at the scheduled times. Make ups (if excused) will be scheduled during mid-term and the last week of the regular semester. Exams will be a combination of multiple choice, essay and problems.

3. Assignments:
Assignments will include daily assignments, unannounced quizzes and the business plan. Information on the business plan will be provided on a separate cover. Credit (without penalty) will be given for assignments completed on time (date) assigned. The student, not the instructor, has the responsibility of making arrangements to make up missed work due to an excused absence. 

4. Building rules and policies:
Tobacco, in any form, will not be used in the building. Hats and caps are not to be worn in the class room. Food and drink are allowed only in the designated areas. Water in the classroom is acceptable. No cell phones are to be used in class (penalties apply) or on exams (including calculator use). If you use a laptop during class, detailed notes from that session must be e-mailed to me before the beginning of the next period of this course. If this is not done, further use of a laptop during class will not be allowed. Any academic dishonesty will be addressed and may result in the maximum punishment allowed by CofO policy. All other CofO policies will be followed.

*The last day to drop a class with a WP/WF is March 13
FINAL EXAM: 8:00-10:00a.m. Thursday 5/7/2009