
Course Information

Biochemistry II (CHE 454)

Term: 2020-2021 Academic Year Fall


Jerome Charles Easdon

Office Hours

Spring 2021

T/Th noon-1:00

W noon-4:00 

F 9:00-10:00 


Mon-Wed-Fri, 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM (8/24/2020 - 12/17/2020) Location: MAIN PFEIF 316
Thu, 1:00 PM - 3:50 PM (8/24/2020 - 12/17/2020) Location: MAIN PFEIF 316


Prerequisite: C- or better in CHE 225and CHE 444. Biochemistry II builds on the basics of structure and function of the four major bio-molecules (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids) as studied in Biochemistry I. Metabolic pathways (reactions, enzymes that catalyze the reactions and their mechanisms, and regulation of the pathways) will be a major concept of the course. Mammalian metabolism will be the focus so that material related to human health and disease can be presented. In addition DNA based technologies, health issues and DNA replication, transcription, and translation will be covered. Additional topics of cellular signaling and photosynthesis are options as time and student needs allow. Three one-hour lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Spring-Even