
Course Information

Competitive Programming (CSC 331)

Term: 2008-2009 Academic Year Fall S


Corequisites: CSC 233 and permission. This course will provide students with the knowledge and approaches necessary to solve a variety of problems via algorithmic development and high level language programming. The primary focus of the course will be problem solving, in an effort to prepare students to compete in the annual ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) programming contest in the fall and the annual CCSC (Consortium of Computing Sciences in Colleges) programming contest in the spring. The course meets a minimum of once per week for two hours during the first half of the semester. Grading is on a pass/fail basis. To pass the course, the student must attend the lecture/practice sessions and make a positive contribution to his/her programming team. Attendance at the regional ACM or CCSC programming contest is mandatory. Fall/Spring