
Course Information

Engineering Project Management (ENR 2903)

Term: 2020-2021 Academic Year Spring


Jeffrey Martin Otey

Office Hours

Fall Semester 2024

White 105

email: or call x2462 for appointment

MTW: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

R:  9:00 am - 10:00 am


Mon-Wed-Fri, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM (1/18/2021 - 5/7/2021) Location: MAIN WHITE 308


Prerequisite: ENR 1103(All prerequisite courses require a grade of P or C- or better) and instructor permission. Economic and schedule analysis of engineering projects. Basic organizational principles, team building, leadership, and motivation. Integration of engineering design and project management. Proposal writing. Intended to be taken the semester prior to taking ENR 4102. Spring