
Modules are completed using the Hawkes software.  When completed online, the software will automatically update your progress. 


To complete a module:

  1. Pass through Diagnostic mode:  The student will take a pre-test (proctored and administered by computer).   If a student earns a qualifying score (75% or higher) on a diagnostic test and completes mastery on all lessons in the module, then he/she will be able to proceed to the next module. A student scoring lower than the qualifying score on the diagnostic test is required to complete the other components of the module. However, since the pre-tests are diagnostic, a student may receive credit for some sections of the module (by answering 80% of the questions from those sections correctly), even if he/she does not test out of the entire module. This enables a student to progress as quickly as possible through the course without having to repeat material that has already been mastered.
  2. Pass through Learn/Practice/Certify/Post-Test mode:  The student will proceed through the presentation of content via computer Learn mode of the software.  The student will have interactive practice with analytical feedback through the Practice mode of software.  The student will have graded homework using the Certify mode of the software.  The student will have two attempts to certify, otherwise, he/she will be required to return and complete the Practice again.  A score of 90% or higher is required before returning to the Certify mode. When the student has completed all homework with a qualifying score. he/she will take a proctored, computer-administered post-test.  If he/she passes this test with at least a 75%, he/she will move on to the next module.  If not, he/she will meet with the instructor or lab assistant to review the material and take the test again when he/she has completed the instructor led review.  The student is required to submit corrections of problems missed on the post-test to your instructor.


To complete the course:

 A student completes the course when all modules are complete.  Although students can work at different paces, every student is expected to keep a pace leading to the completion of all modules.  Students are allowed and encouraged to work ahead of this pace.